Monday, August 25, 2008

August 12, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Rotaract General
August 12, 2008

... and there came a night, a night like none other in the history of Rotaract. It was a night that divided Rotaract like never before, a split that was subtle at first but then actively encouraged (by one side of the club). It was a night where all the women chose to sit on one side of the table and the men on another... (okay maybe not that dramatic but you had to be there, it was kinda funny)...

Attending: Cheryl, Miranda, Michelle, Gabrielle, Kathleen, Ashley, Dana, Kendra, Jeff, Jose, Tyler, Dale, Darrell (acting as secretary)

Guests: Prospective member Mark Forman, Colleen Tarrant past-president Sunrise Rotary

Approval of previous minutes: Motion by Jose, seconded by Michelle
Approval of agenda (written out on white board because Gab [in her second meeting as president] forgot to make paper agendas): Motion by Cheryl, seconded by Dale

Action Items:

Wave Media Surveys - report by Michelle
Club had again been contacted by Wave Media to see if club members were willing to volunteer to survey visitors to Evergreen Park in return for donation to club’s general account. Surveys would have had to be have been done Aug. 10 and Aug. 24, 2008. As these dates would have (keep reading to see why they would have and not will) conflict with the Duck Race club kindly turns down Wave Media but says “think of us in the future.”

Club Runner training - report by Darrell
Rotaract trying to join the new century and learn about this fancy thing called the In-ter-net??? Club executive has been trying to schedule a training session to learn more about the Rotary Club Runner system which is heavily used by Rotary. Grande Prairie Rotarian Kevin Hilger volunteered to teach system to club executive. Training postponed because of unstable In-ter-net connection at Stanford Inn and will likely be rescheduled for when the executives' heads won’t explode - a.d.r. - after duck race. Keep reading for more details.

Stompede mechandise sales - report by Ashley
Club members had volunteered at Stompede to run the merchandise tent in exchange for a small percentage of the sales profit. Merch sales.... well ... were about as flat as a runover cowboy in the bull riding contest ... there was no profit and many boxes remain in Ashley’s poor crowded garage. But not all is lost, Ashley talking with Stompede executive about possible donation to club to compensate for our time regardless and club is welcome to volunteer again next year when merch sales run again.

(suddenly... the sky darkened, thunder shook the room, a chill fell over all in attendance... well not really but some of us felt that way)

Duck Race - report by Gabrielle
Duck race committee, believing that no news means good news, has news (if you get that you share Darrell’s sense of humour, congrats).

Ticket sales have not been going as we had hoped, about 3,000 tickets sold and the break even point is roughly 5,800-6,000. As such, committee is applying to Alberta Gaming to move date back to Sept. 21 and plans to have a meeting next week with partner groups to outline the situation. Also hampering the duck race is a distinct lack of water (first to say ‘hot enough for you’ gets a boot). There is no water in the reservoir, really, try driving by the college side and you'll see it’s green with grow-in weeds. No water makes it hard to have a race.

The committee is investigating its options for other public races and concepts. Last resort, there will be a barrel draw with 12 tickets drawn, all prizes remain valid.

To make up the difference the club has two new weekend selling points at Wal-Mart and Canadian Tire which are being staffed by club members and Grande Prairie soccer in addition to Co-Op and the Prairie Mall.

ALL MEMBERS WILL BE NEEDED TO HELP STAFF AND SELL AT THESE LOCATIONS! Please watch your e-mail for sign-up notices and help us make this event successful.

New Business

Sunrise Rotary Scarecrow Festival - report by Gabrielle
In an effort to boost their general revenue and get away from lotteries which ties up its money, Sunrise Rotart Club attempting to start up a Scarecrow Festival. The concept is simple, think Festival of Trees but with scarecrows. Club will be seeking sponsorship to set up walking festival of highly decorative and artistic scarecrows and make it a public event with the companies getting the scarecrows afterward. No direct Rotaract involvement, but members encouraged to spread the idea to their businesses for potential support and sponsorship.

Round Table:
This is otherwise known as the point when Rotaract members try to one-up each other with a better story of their most recent adventures. This humble scribbler won’t even try to recount the tales but it was perhaps the best round table ever in club history, you really had to be there to get the full laughs and good news.

Not sure what was better – Michelle’s tale of cowboy boots saving her from doing something no one should ever have to do - (just be glad it wasn't you) - ‘nuff said, Colleen’s tale of ridin’ the bible bus with her Dad to Winnipeg and back (stopping for beer where needed), Ashley Rae becoming a future country music super star (her first album is out at the end of this month), Kendra nearly (but not quite) cutting her toes off while chopping wood camping, Jeff being mocked for thinking that RVing at Calaway Park in Calgary counts as ‘camping’, Mark buying a house (no joke here, he bought a house - congrats Mark), Dale enjoying the highlights of his ‘dry’ and very religious family reunion, Miranda enjoying throwing horse bones (yes horse bones) around in a game at her family reunion. You just had to be there.

July 22, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Darrell Winwood, Cheryl Budjak, Jose Magat, Gabrielle Boulet, Kendra Wilson, Becky Watson, Sarah Davison, Dana

Tyler, Anna - Cheryl's guest.

Approval of Last Meeting's Minutes: Becky motion, Cheryl second - passed.

Approval of Meeting Agenda: Sarah motion, Becky second - passed.

Action Items:

Evergreen Park Project: Michelle not present, will get stats update Aug 12 meeting. Kendra reports went well, did survey, had good response. Thanks to those who volunteered.

Clubrunner: Brief review of what Clubrunner is, training has been graciously offered by Kevin Hilgers, Rotary member. In need of computer, projector, and a 1/2 hr of your time to learn the ropes; a very useful tool with way more functions than we are currently using.

Stompede Fundraiser: Ashley's got the goods, so we will wait to hear the results from her at next meeting.

Duck Sorting Day: With the way tickets sales are currently sitting, we are preparing to sort ducks. Proposed date is August 10 at the Lion's Learning Centre - Murray has advised their space is most likely available to use for this - Darrell to confirm. PUSH PULL OR DRAG you and your closest 20 friends to help out with this - it's going to be a big job! Side note: Meeting consensus to claim this as our official August Social - Gabrielle will look into some pizza for us, Sarah will look into some sort of way to make this fun! More details to come. Thanks in advance, you diehards!

Street Performers Festival: A fun time had by all, the English Gents stole the show. 138 tickets sold, $155 proceeds from I Am Silly magic goods sales, $330 proceeds from water sales/donations. Thank you Cheryl for organizing water sales; thanks to all who volunteered.

Old/Ongoing Business:
Duck Race Ticket Tally is 1020 sold to date. That means 13,980 left to go - let's push those tickets! Darrell attended Wed and Fri Rotary Clubs, seven books taken by members to sell on our behalf. Proposed plans to have Rotaract members attend Rotary meetings again to sell individual tickets to members. Cheryl has arranged ticket sales at Walmart for this weekend, July 26 and 27 (Cheryl, how do you know so many people?).

Shifts are as follows:
Saturday 9am-1pm: Cheryl and Gabriel
Saturday 1pm-5pm: Cheryl (we need one more here...any takers?)
Sunday 9am-1pm: Darrell (again, one more needed)
Sunday 1pm-5pm: Dana, Kendra

Request for additional volunteers for daily deposits, schedule is currently being done up one week in advance - please let Gabrielle know when you can help. Request also for any ideas of additional ticket sale venues or volunteers - please advise any executive member if you know of anywhere/anyone.

New Business:

Motion to amend signing authority on banking from Gabrielle, Kathleen and Michelle to Gabrielle, Darrell and Miranda. Cheryl motion, Becky second - passed.

Lions Club Big Bike Event: We have been given invitation to enter a team, but, with Duck Race volunteering etc, will not be officially doing so - feel free to attend and enter if you so choose.

Reminder next meeting August 12, 7:30pm Stanford Inn

Executive Retreat? Agreed to plan at some point after Duck Race, proposed long weekend overnight trip not feasible for some executives. More planning to come.

More tickets, anyone?? Darrell has many tickets ready to sell! Get them while they're hot...

A few things to ponder - would we like a guest speaker to come in and discuss meeting and time management skills? Kendra generously offered to run a session for us as this is her forte. More to come. New schedule for social night organizers to be made soon, as August is last month planned.

Meeting Adjourned