Thursday, November 18, 2010

Meeting Minutes - November 9, 2010

Members in Attendance:

Dale, Lisa, David, Devin, Kendra


Mr. Brian Brake

Meeting Called to order at 7:30 PM by Dale Tiedemann

1. Minutes Approved from October 12, 2010
Devin first, Lisa second.

2. Agenda
• Add round table
• All in favour

3. Guest Speaker: Mr Brian Brake, Executive Director Pipestone Creek Dinosaur Initiative
• Project on the go since 2002
• Bone bed was discovered in 1974
• Bone bed is 10 inches thick, size of 3 football fields
• Only a very small portion of which has been dug
• Already discovered the fossils of 5 complete animals, 5000 bones, 14 skulls
• $26.4 Million required to complete project (museum)
• Anticipating 1/3 local, 1/3 provincial and 1/3 federal funding
• Target date to open is December 31, 2012
• Museum would be placed just off the highway halfway between Beaverlodge and Grande Prairie
• One of the many features includes a $500,000 Rotary Education Center!

4. District Governor Jackie Hobal’s visit
• Visit went well. Had a smaller turnout but got some good brainstorming time about some local and international projects that the club can start doing!

5. District Training
• Dana will inform us how her district training was at the next meeting.

6. 2011 Rotaract Preconvention Meeting
• There is rotary convention as well as a preconvention meeting in New Orleans in 2011. It would be great if we could see some members go to this. Partial funding may be available from the club. There will be some information available about this convention at the next meeting.

7. Festival of Trees
• We have been asked to help make center pieces for the Teddy Bear Breakfast. We will be making the center pieces on Friday November 19 at the Tech Center at 6:00 pm. Dale, Kendra and David have already volunteered, but we are hoping for 5 volunteers. Please let David know as soon as possible if you are interested. His email is

8. Rotary Christmas Party
• Mark your calendars! The Rotary Christmas Party is on December 17th. There will be more details on this (time/location) at the next meeting. We normally volunteer one Rotaract member to be on the committee that makes center pieces, and Kendra has volunteered to do this.

9. Christmas Dinner
• We have decided to organize a seniors Christmas Dinner at the Golden Age Center on December 14 from 4-7! Please note that this is in place of the meeting that would have taken place on December 14th. We will need lots of hands getting the food ready prior to, during and after the dinner. We will have more details on some of the required efforts at the next meeting.

10. International Project
• We would like to do some sort of international project. One idea that is popular was building a playground in Mazatlan.

11. Round Table

12. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM
• Next meeting Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:30 PM, Standford Inn.