Tuesday, November 24, 2009

General Meeting Minutes - November 10, 2009


Well, slightly late, but not the same day as the next general meeting, so I view this as an accomplishment to get the meeting minutes out "on time".

Sit back, relax and enjoy ...

November 10, 2009
7:30 PM

1. Guests - Jasmine and Lucy

2. Meeting Minutes from October 13/09 - motioned by Tyler, second by Chris

3. Meeting Agenda - motioned by Chris, second by Kathleen

4. Review of items from previous meeting minutes
  • Social Event - Chris is working on organizing our club a games night at the Oasis Facility. Date & time to follow.
  • Hotel Promotion - pass to next meeting, Dale to report
  • Curling Bonspiel - Tyler loves curling and would really like to see this as an opportunity for our club to FUNDraise or even FUNraise/FRIENDraise. We are too close to the January dates to organize, we have been advised that there is a mid-March weekend available, which is a date our club can work with for organizing. If the goal is to promote our club and gain community recognition and more members, we can look at a lower entry fee and fun rules rather than focusing on how much money we can bring in. This is being brought to the executive level for futher discussion.
  • Christmas Party - sign up sheet was passed around. Members are paid for by the club. If they bring a date, members are responsible to pay for their date's ticket. Please sign up if you can provide a silent auction item. Ticket price has not been determined yet. Lisa too provide further information.
  • Executive spots - the club is still seeking a new secretary to relieve Dana and treasurer to relieve Miranda. Also, we will be doing nominations after Christmas for the 2010 - 2011 term (secretary, treasurer and president-elect positions will be nominated).

5. New Business
  • Mentorship sign up - 1st year Nursing students have approached our club to help them with a community project to be guest speakers at local schools to discuss the importance of being positive influences in the community. Dates include: November 12/09 in Hythe, November 26/09 in GP at Kateri and Forbes. Please let Darrell know if you can participate for either of those dates.
  • Shelter Box - last term we sent $1,200 CAD to Shelter Box Canada to sponsor a shelter box on behalf of our club as a project that our club was able to sponsor on our own, without piggy-backing on other Rotary projects. Shelter Box was started by a Rotary club in England and is now worldwide, however it not considered a Rotary International organization or project. We received a letter (attached) from Shelterbox letting us know our box was sent to Niger*, Africa to help those in need from a recent flood. They included a link to their Fickr account to view the pictures of the boxes being deployed: www.flickr.com/photos/shelterboxuk/4031006129. When Gabrielle was in Los Angeles for the Rotary International Convention in 2008 she ended up meeting one of the Shelter Box US representatives and talking about the project. Those who attended the District Conference in Jasper, May 2009 also saw the set up and learned more about the organization.
* Niger, Africa also happens to be the same country we exchanged a parcel of culture with. Those who have been around long enough understand the irony in this. Kathleen still had the parcel of culture in her car - she brought it in to the meeting to pass it around and bring back memories.
  • Yusup suggested that we partner with the GPRC students on a project. The students are in our age group for members and the marketing and business classes are always doing projects in the community that could be good for our club to be part of. One example is the Peace Country Idol contest.

6. Round Table
  • Kathleen - has been absent from meetings for some time due to the Coats for Kids campaign. Approximately 3,000 items were distributed.
  • Gabrielle - tried to pass, but Chris bullied her into sharing something. She is having her wisdom teeth taken out next week.
  • Miranda - is awesome! (per Chris)
  • Yusup - looking to start his masters degree. He asked about personal development for club members, suggesting tours of local businesses as a learning opportunity - such as Weyerhaeuser, etc.
  • Tyler - moved into his apartment!
  • Chris - excitement in Greenworks!
  • Jasmine - recently moved to GP from Manitoba.
  • Lucy - talked about the "Spread the Net" program as another idea for our club to be involved in.
  • Darrell - reminded everyone of the Interact Charter night in Sexsmith, Thursday, November 19th.

That's it, that's all folks. See you Tuesday, November 24, 2009. 7:30 PM. Bring a friend.
