Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Box of Culture Pictures

At the meeting on October 23rd the club took time to open the Box of Culture. The pictures are just making it up now.

The Box of Culture is an international project of the FUTA Rotarct Club in Rotary District 9130, Nigeria. They packed a box full of Rotaract info, pictures and cultural products from their home and sent it to our club.

The box was actually a small parcel, but we were in for a surprise when we saw how much was squeezed in there!

President Michelle did the honours opening the package...

.. and right away was intrigued with what was inside.

We were excited to see everything from Rotaract bumper stickers....

.... to certificates....

... to district newspapers!

All in all that little package had a lot of culture stuffed in there! It was impressive to see how organized Rotaract is in District 9130. Considering that we only have 4 clubs in our district it was eye opening to see so many events and materials produced by Rotaractors.

Also in the parcel were CDs with pictures of events from the FUTA club - which we posted to our Grande Prairie Rotaract group on Facebook.

Next up is our return package for FUTA! Don't forget next meeting is the last opportunity to contribute something.

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