Sunday, June 22, 2008
June 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Guests: Shea Mildenberger, Tyler Bulford, Jarrett Leinweber, Briege (didn’t get her last name)
Minutes: Motion to accept past minutes - Gabrielle, second - Dale
Agenda: Motion to accept - Jacqueline, second - Ashley
Old Business
June social night: June 7 event did not happen as planned, rescheduled to June 21. Dale to get Rotaract banner to Kendra, event details to be sent out by Ashley.
Duck Days: No volunteers needed for event - yaaaaa - thank you Helen Rice
Wave fundraiser: Event still TBA, maybe next meeting
Club Runner: Darrell to arrange training session with Kevin Hilgers for incomming executive.
Duck Race: Last details have been sent to AGLC, volunteer groups to be contacted ASAP to line up selling schedule
Homeless for a Night: Kendra, Cheryl, Jose, Michelle, Gabrielle all volunteer at event. Event a success for Sunrise House, raised $34,000.
Stompede fundraiser: No total yet of money raised from Stompede merchandise sales. Ashley to try and update club at next meeting.
New Business
Bylaw ammedments: June 24 meeting vote to be held on ammeding bylaws to add in disalluision clause – ALL MEMBERS POSSIBLE SHOULD ATTEND
Change over party: Rotary year to change over effective July 1. Dale to help plan event possible for Canada Day.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
June 21, 2008 Social Event
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
May 27, 2008 Meeting Minutes
Rotaract General May 27, 2008
Guest: Tyler Bulford from Peace Wapiti Academy
Attending: Michelle Dupont, Cheryl Luken, Gabrielle Boulet, Kendra, Jose, Darrell
Minutes: No minutes as Darrell screws up and no finish minutes from last meeting
Agenda: New items added – approval motioned by Gabrielle, seconded by Jose
Parcel of Culture:
Praise the Lord, it's done. Package is in the mail and away!
Chair Affair
Club volunteers help with the set up of the event, which was a fund raiser for the Community Village. The event raised about $20,000 – good job to all.
Duck Race
Gaming has the package, ticket proof is being done, Co-Op secured for the whole summer, all weekend. Progress on-going.
District Conference
Cheryl (a real bed hog) and Tim (a lead foot driver) attend the event in Camrose to represent club. Rotaract help run the House of Friendship along with volunteers from the Edmonton Centre club (which is a real super-keen club according to Cheryl).Cheryl agrees to the district Rotaract chair for one more year (which mean we get to keep her in the club for one more year – yaaaaaaa!).
Cheryl also agreed (with help from Edmonton Club) to plan and help host in Edmonton a Zone 22 (a really big area across the Prairies and U.S) Rotaract conference. Our club will be in charge of sponsorship, need club member to take on that role (sit on those hands Michelle – resist the temptation).
Wave fundraiser
Details on event remain MIA. Just waiting for information.
Homeless for a Night
Plenty of club volunteers for the event. Participants still needed, contact Sunrise House if interested.
Stompede fundraiser
Club to operate the merchandise tent, get a donation. Lots of volunteers still needed.
July Social event
July 7 – dinner and dance at Rock City. Kendra to organize, Gabrielle to contact friend about limo service.
Duck Days
Gabrielle to contact Helen Rice about the event.
Interact Club
Gabrielle and Cedrick represent Rotaract at start-up meeting. Results uncertain but club might charter before the end of the school year at Peace Wapiti Academy. Rotaract supports the idea but Swan City Club to be parent club.