Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 10, 2008 Meeting Minutes

Attending: Ashley MacDonald, Gabrielle Boulet, Michelle Dupont, Dale Tiedemann, Tim Lau, Kendra Wilson, Darrell Winwood, Jacqueline Hutton

Guests: Shea Mildenberger, Tyler Bulford, Jarrett Leinweber, Briege (didn’t get her last name)

Minutes: Motion to accept past minutes - Gabrielle, second - Dale

Agenda: Motion to accept - Jacqueline, second - Ashley

Old Business

June social night: June 7 event did not happen as planned, rescheduled to June 21. Dale to get Rotaract banner to Kendra, event details to be sent out by Ashley.

Duck Days: No volunteers needed for event - yaaaaa - thank you Helen Rice

Wave fundraiser: Event still TBA, maybe next meeting

Club Runner:
Darrell to arrange training session with Kevin Hilgers for incomming executive.

Duck Race: Last details have been sent to AGLC, volunteer groups to be contacted ASAP to line up selling schedule

Homeless for a Night: Kendra, Cheryl, Jose, Michelle, Gabrielle all volunteer at event. Event a success for Sunrise House, raised $34,000.

Stompede fundraiser:
No total yet of money raised from Stompede merchandise sales. Ashley to try and update club at next meeting.

New Business

Bylaw ammedments: June 24 meeting vote to be held on ammeding bylaws to add in disalluision clause – ALL MEMBERS POSSIBLE SHOULD ATTEND

Change over party: Rotary year to change over effective July 1. Dale to help plan event possible for Canada Day.

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