Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rotaract Meeting - March 10, 2009

7:32 p.m. start

Approval of last minutes: Motion by Kathleen, second by Jose - passed

Approval of agenda: Motion by Dale, Cheryl second - passed

Action Items

Interact charter night: Five members attend. Was a good event to support and the cupcakes were very yummy!

Community Village breakfast: Club was invited to attend - Dale, Gabrielle and Kathleen attended to represent Rotaract and our fundraising commitment. Club has donated $9,000 so far, still have $11,000 commitment outstanding.

Visiting other Rotary Clubs: Visits made to other three clubs to promote Rotaract Open House.

Drag Wars: Meetings ongoing, Rotaract has little involvement.

Open House: Dana and volunteers to set up, some members encouraged to stay behind to help clean up. If needed, Cheryl and Jose will bartend. Event starts at 6 p.m. - speeches at 7 p.m.

Duck Race - Darrell reports on Duck Race. Event is still on track, much more information to come.

Mazatlan bus trip: Bus trip leaves this Saturday at 6 a.m. - your welcome to go and see them off if you like 6 a.m. on a Saturday.

Grande Prairie Legal Guidance: Club invited to celebration/information event for legal clinic in town - March 12 at 4:30-6:30 at Maddhatters.

Black Tie Bingo: STARS event - April 18. Volunteers needed for help that night, possible fundraiser for club. Talk to Dale to sign up.

Volunteer Services Bureau lunch: Lunch to celebrate volunteers in Grande Prairie, club has five tickets for April 22 lunch, two are spoken for - talk to Gab for the rest.

Membership minute: Tyler and Kendra to report for next meeting.

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