Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meeting Minutes - Ocotber 13, 2009

Grande Prairie Rotaract Club

Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1. Introduction of Members & Guests

  • Members: Dale, Kendra, Cate, Tyler, Darrell, Mark, Miranda, David, Matt, Gabrielle
  • Guests: Doug (almost a member … once he pays!)

2. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

  • Passed over to next meeting

3. Approval of Meeting Agenda – Tyler adds “Rotaract Bonspiel” to New Business

  • Motion – Dale
  • Second – Tyler

4. Review of Action Items from Previous Meeting

  • Planning Session
    • David – thought it was good to list out ideas of things we want to do as club.
    • Dale – took away that we need improve our communication both within the club and with the other Rotary clubs.
    • Kendra – she would like to see things go back to the way they were when she joined. More commitments for projects and she feels the meetings used to be more fun.
    • Cate – as a new member she felt it was beneficial to learn more about the club and our members.
    • Doug – he learned about volunteer oppurtunities – he enjoyed working at the Coats for Kids store.
    • Tyler – would like to see more presence at GPRC*. And he would like to organize a Rotaract curling bonspiel.
    • Matt – thinks our club is doing a good job and is looking forward to the improvements to come.
    • Darrell – although he was away on his honeymoon during our last meeting he would like for members to give him more feedback, the good, the bad and the ugly. He can’t improve how he is running meetings and the club if he doesn’t get feedback. He wants to know what you think!

*Rotaract in GPRC – the club executive met before the general meeting and discussed ways we can improve our presence in the community and we did discuss our involvement with the college. We decided that it would be very beneficial for our club to be involved with the Student Association and to invite some of their members to our meetings and to join the club – giving us a direct connection to the students of GPRC. More on this to come.

5. Old/Ongoing Business

  • Duck Race – it’s a short update this time, we promise! The committee is still trying to get the last of the prizes out to the prize winners. They hope to have this taken care of before the end of 2009.
  • District Governor Terry Draeder of Drayton Valley visit – both lunch (Rotaract) & dinner (all clubs) went well.
    • Terry is very youth oriented and therefore very supportive of Rotaract and Interact clubs. Rotaract also now has a voting seat at District level – this is our way to voice our opinion and lobby for things like lower Rotaract rates at conferences and training sessions.
    • Members who attended the lunch received a pin with the 2009/2010 theme – “The future is in your hands”
  • District Assembly – Dale attended Friday & Saturday sessions. Gabrielle & Dale presented on Rotaract to a small group of Rotarians from Dawson Creek who are very interested in getting a Rotaract club going (again). We offered our club’s support in any way we could help. To have another Rotaract club this close to Grande Prairie would be a great way to combine our efforts.
  • College Expo – this is an annual event our club participates in. We set up a booth among other community tables, allowing us the opportunity to network with students, spread the word about Rotaract to new students and take names of those interested in our club.
  • Quad Club Rotary Christmas Party – Lisa has offered to take on the Rotaract representative position as a liaison between the organizing committee and our club. In the past our club has been in charge of table decorations. Tradition in our club is that members who attend the party are paid for on behalf of the club’s general funds, however if members bring a date, they are responsible for their guest’s ticket price. Ticket prices have not been set for this year’s event.
  • Coats for Kids – David let us know that lots of coats were still coming in as the needs are high this year. Thanks to Kathleen for organizing our club’s participation this year.

6. New Business

  • Scarecrow Festival – our club has been approached again this year to offer a “Keys Please” service for those who attended the event and need a safe ride home. Our club offered this service last year (for the first time). It was an ok way for the club to gain more exposure among the Rotary Clubs and community, however in the end our members were more glorified taxi drivers, taking guests to local establishments or house parties as opposed to driving them home in their own vehicles. We made approximately $140 last year. Most of the trips were made in our club members’ vehicles, not in the owners vehicle. This poses concern for vehicle clean-up should there be any unfortunate incidents. It was decided as a club not to participate this year.
  • Social Event – once again we attempted paintball this year. We even waited for newly wed President Darrell to return from his honeymoon. Member Chris did a great job organizing it on such short notice, with limited dates. Unfortunately, the only date available was during the Thanksgiving long weekend AND the weather turned cold on us. Of course! So, needless to say, paintball has yet again until the weather is slightly warmer. With that said, a costume bowling event was discussed. Darrell was voted as organizer. More details to follow via email & Facebook.
  • Budget Committee – Darrell, Miranda, Gabrielle, David & Jose are the budget committee currently working on a more organized way for the club to plan & spend their general and lottery funds. They have met once to discuss all expenses the club has and will meet again to discuss how to divvy our the monies. Things they discuss include the District Conference, International Convention, District Bonspiel, etc.
    • On the topic of budget, the bank signing authority needs to be updated as we are now several months into our new term. Cate & Dave proposed to have the club’s bank account signing authority amended from Gabrielle, Darrell and Miranda to Darrell, Dale and Miranda. Motion passed unanimously by all attending members.
  • Hotel Promotion – Darrell has been in discussion with the Stanford regarding making the hotel our club’s home. We would like to be able to display a plaque in the entrance to the restaurant indicating that our club meets there the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month (similar to what we see at other hotels that house Rotary clubs). This has been approved by the hotel management. Dale will price out a few options for us. Further to this, Darrell would also like to see a display case that is preferably mobile that would store our club banners, other plaques and memorabilia that we have collected over the years and are currently spread across Grande Prairie in several members’ houses. As this is a larger commitment on behalf of the hotel – including storage capabilities, this has gone to higher ups for discussion. We will also need to price out such display cases as our dream display case could end up being quite pricey.
  • Rotary International Convention – June 20, 2009 – June 23, 2009 in Montreal, Quebec (Gabrielle’s most favorite place … ever!) As previously mentioned, the budget committee is working on a monetary amount to put towards club members attendance. Members are highly encouraged to consider making this trip to Montreal to attend the convention. This is as close to home as we may see it for awhile. Currently Kevin Hilgers (Assistant District Governor) has blocks of rooms booked for Grande Prairie Rotary & Rotaract members to book, however rooms will be released by mid-December if not booked. At this point room rates will go up and availability will decrease. There are also housing options at McGill University for Rotaractors.
  • Chamber of Commerce Membership – it was brought to the table to discuss our club paying for a club membership as a way of including information on our club in the Chamber newsletter that is released. As it is discouraged in Rotary to promote one’s business, this may be conflicting with the Chamber, as business members promote their businesses. It will be discussed further by Darrell & Dale at the next Quad club executive meeting with other Rotary Presidents & President-Elects.
  • Rotaract Bonspiel – Tyler would like to start a small fundraiser for our club in collaboration with Interact by means of curling bonspiel. He will discuss venue logistics with the curling rink and report back.

7. Round Table

· Matt – looking forward to being more involved with Rotaract. It makes him feel good!

· Tyler – considering schooling in Olds, Alberta … or Texas?!

· Doug – is now licensed to get a gun!

· Cate – is a permanent employee at the County of Grande Prairie. Woohoo!

· Kendra – has a new dog, Ruby!

· Dale – is boring! (nothing new going on) (but the added exclamation mark makes it more exciting)

· David – went to San Francisco for work!

· Miranda – went to BC for her brothers wedding. It was cold on the beach!

· Mark – going to Montreal for 3 weeks. One week for work, two weeks for holidays! (Gabrielle likes, but is jealous)

· Darrell – got married … applause erupts! They spent 10 days in Hawaii!

· Gabrielle – going to Las Vegas October 22nd to see U2 and Black Eyed Peas in concert. She won the trip from Q99!

Next Meeting – Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 7:30 PM.

Be there, bring a friend!

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